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Dungeoneering Lingo

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Dungeoneering Lingo Empty Dungeoneering Lingo

Post by Redefinition Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:44 pm


Combatant: Cb
Skiller: Sk
Critical path/room: Crit (or "Critting" to signify that you are on the critical path)
Bonus path/room: Bo or Bon (or "Boing" to signify that you are on the bonus path)
Level mod %: Mod (or "Modding" to signify that you are killing NPC's to increase level mod %)
End the floor: E or End or Gte
Make Law runes: Laws; when someone has followed this request and dropped them at home, they call "Laws h" or "L h"
Deliver Law runes: Del (this means that a skiller should pick up the Law runes and teleport using the portal)
Someone is needed for a puzzle: +1 (or +2 or +3); it is usually assumed that this means to teleport to the group gatestone, so specify if you mean otherwise (ex. "+1 Emotes e h" or "+2 w")
Regroup: Rg
Ragequit: Rq

Navigation & Important Reference Points:

North: N
East: E
South: S
West: W
Base: Home/H
Northeast of the base: Ne h
*Numbers can be used with directions for certain situations.
Example: Emotes 1 room south and 2 rooms west of the base = emotes 1s2w h
Boss: B
Dead end: De; Dewk is a dead end with a key; Denk is a dead end with no key

An NPC has been marked for reference to a specific door or room: [insert room/door abbreviation] m
Example: The leader marked an NPC to draw attention to a guardian door - Gd m

Yellow corner door is facing south - Yco facing s / Yco fs / Yco f s
Use this sparingly as it can take time to type & read, ie. don't use it for all doors.


Guardian door: Gd
Regular door: Reg or Ent
P2P door: P; P1 is P2P door #1, P7 is P2P door #7, etc.

*Note that the colour is to be used in conjunction with the shape, without a space between.

Blue: B
Crimson: C
Gold: Go
Green: Gr
Orange: O
Purple: P
Silver: S
Yellow: Y
Corner: co
Crescent: cr
Diamond: d
Pentagon: p
Rectangle: r
Shield: s
Triangle: t
Wedge: w

Gold corner door: Goco
Green crescent key: Grcrk
Purple diamond door northwest of the base: Pd nw h
Found the yellow pentagon key: Gk yp ("gk" means "got key")
*Note: In some instances, "Gk" can be an instruction to the other CB to pick up a key. In these cases, "Gk" would mean "Get key"
Found the key to the door at home: Hk
Key found at or close to the end of a critical path: Link (ex. Yp link)


Personal gatestone: G, Gs, G8, Gate
Example: Yellow wedge gated = Yw g, Yw gs, Yw gsed, Yw g8, Yw me, Yw mine
Group gatestone: Ggs
Group gatestone dropped at purple diamond door: Ggs @ Pd, @Pd
Teleport to the group gatestone: Gt; note that other abbreviations can be added to specify what the group gatestone is at (ex. Gtb is said to request a player to teleport to the boss)
Move the group gatestone: Mgt or Take or T (ex. "Take ys" means "Move the group gatestone to yellow shield")
Selling (dropping) the group gatestone: Sgt or Sold
Buying (requesting that the holder drops) the group gatestone: Bgt or Buy
Carry the group gatestone further along the path: Cgt or Carry
Hold the group gatestone in anticipation for moving it soon but not immediately: Hgt or Hold
Free gate (ie. personal gatestone not used): Fg
The group gatestone is currently static and covering nothing: Idle
Directed gatestone: Dir (ex. Calling "Pd dir" means that you have placed your gatestone as close as possible to the purple diamond door)
Gatestone is not directed but is in a general area: Covered or Covering (ex. "Yp covered" or "Gt covering oco")
Temporary gate: Temp (ex. "Yp temp" to signify a gate that will be replaced if something more important is found)
A door is being camped: [insert door abbreviation] c
Example: The purple rectangle door is being camped in anticipation of the key being found - Pr c

Puzzles: For more information about puzzles, click >this link< to the RuneWiki page (or alternatively, copy-and-paste this link: http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Dungeoneering/Puzzles).

Note: Most puzzles can be skipped by using the Warped gorajan trailblazer outfit. The main exceptions are the winch room and ghosts. When a puzzle is skipped (or is about to be skipped), signify this by calling "melted", "melting", or "melt". Alternatively, you may ask your teammates to help skip the puzzle if you don't have the outfit, for example by saying "Gt melt" or "Buying melt".

Pressure pads: Slides
Seeker sentinel: Seeker or Seek
Sleeping guards: Brutes or guards
Sliding statues: Ms (for "Moving statues")
Add a stone weapon to 1 statue: 1stat or stat
Add a stone weapon to > 1 statue: stats
Emotes: Motes or Emo
Levers: Levs or Switches
Runecrafting tiles: Rct
Monolith: Mono or Moo
Ghosts: Ghosts or Goats
Suspicious grooves: Grooves or Spikes or Disco (the latter is because discos are "groovy")
Coloured light sequences: Lights
Pondskaters: Sk8 or Skaters
Fishing ferret: Ff
Coloured ferrets: Cf
Magical construct: Robo or Robot or Construct or Robert
Winch bridge: Winch
Mercenary leader: Merc
Maze: Mwk (with key) or Mnk (no key)

Stage bosses are generally called to signify that the other combatant can do bonus rooms. Some non-stage bosses are also called to signify that help is needed.

Luminescent Icefiend: Lum or Lumi
Skeletal Horde: Horde
Unholy Cursebearer: Cb
Sagittare: Sag or Sagi
Stomp: Stomp or Miners (make sure that the Group gatestone is at the boss before calling for miners)
Night-Gazer Khighorahk: Eye or Aye
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Events Moderator / L0lf2p General

Posts : 1230
Join date : 2012-11-14
Age : 69
Location : Canada

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